Construction starts – recycling demo waste

The first phase of the project – demo – is now complete and we’ve finished excavating for the new foundation. Footings are in and walls go up next week, weather permitting. In the meantime it’s a good time to summarize [...]
New Foundation: Lifting an Old House

In one of those occupational hazards of restoring an old house, we’ve discovered that the two 120-year old foundation walls we’d planned to retain are not structurally sound enough to keep, and so will have to be replaced [...]
Zoning Approval and Demo Begins!

Our next big milestone: Zoning Board of Appeals approval! Our special permit has been approved and we’re underway with serious demo. As part of Green Phoenix’s mission to be a good environmental steward, we’re working hard to [...]
Why don’t we build better houses?

Green Phoenix is based on the idea that homes are long-term investments that need to keep up with the latest in building technology. Efficient, airtight, and healthy homes are better for everybody: the occupants, the community, and the planet. A [...]
Why high-end homes need to think ventilation first.

One of the features of the Highland project will be a whole-house Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) system. Unlike a typical heating and air conditioning system, which recirculates air within the home, an HRV is a distinct system designed to continuously [...]
Success! Historical Commission approval.

We have negotiated our first step of the renovation project: approval from the Historical Commission to renovate the house. The town justifiably is concerned about the loss of its historic architecture and character, so older homes need to go through [...]