Exterior Insulation – Roof and Walls

While the framers have been busy inside with interior rooms and stairs, we’ve started installing the exterior insulation. First up was the first of two layers of 2” rigid foam on the roof. Next are the walls: 2” of rigid polyisocyanurate [...]
Basement Part 2…

Our basement insulation wasn’t visible for long. Just a week after the spray foam was installed, our concrete firm came out to pour the basement slab. The concrete shapes itself to the foam surface and then the crew levels [...]
Getting the wall details right

Most of the recent activity at the project has been in the basement: in the last two weeks the sub-slab radon and drainage piping was installed, the basement floor was insulated, and the slab was poured. This has also given [...]
The “Bathtub” Basement

Most of the work recently has shifted to the basement as the contractor prepares to pour the basement slab. Like everything else in this home, a lot of detail has gone into the design. The first photo shows the basement [...]