The first phase of the project – demo – is now complete and we’ve finished excavating for the new foundation. Footings are in and walls go up next week, weather permitting. In the meantime it’s a good time to summarize what happened to the old house. Working closely with local waste recycling facilities, and salvage firm greenGoat, we’ve been able to recycle or reuse nearly 97% of the original house! First greenGoat came through and removed over 13 tons of building materials that can be reused elsewhere: cabinets, appliances, plumbing materials, radiators, interior paneling, exterior cladding, windows and doors, lighting fixtures, the bricks from the original 1897 chimney, and more. We even found a home for many of the old wide planks in the sidewalls of the 1910 vintage garage. All these materials will find another home.
Next we began the interior demo, removing interior plaster, old floors, and non-structural walls. A local combined waste stream recycler collected our dumpsters and recovered over 92% of the debris from the project, primarily wood and gypsum from wall board in the 1966 addition. Finally, once we’d lifted the house off the old foundation, we could remove the old concrete slab and crawlspace floor, and the 90 tons of this waste went to Miles River Sand & Gravel on the North Shore where they turn the old concrete into aggregate and other materials for reuse.