Since Thanksgiving it has been a race to get the foundation in place before the worst of winter arrives. We got part-way there but then the early January cold snap settled in.
Once the house was elevated on its cribbing just before Thanksgiving there was a clear shot to bring in equipment and excavate the new basement. This was followed by survey work to ensure the footings get placed exactly as required, so that when the house is lowered it will settle exactly on top of the new foundation walls.
In mid-December it warmed up and our concrete contractor was able to pour the footings for the house.
Then we got hit with our record-setting cold spell (December 25-January 7) and work stopped as it was too cold to pour. Finally last week temperatures rose to a “balmy” 50F and we had a window to get the foundation walls in place.
Now it’s full steam ahead! As long as temps stay warm enough to waterproof the foundation walls we’ll keep going, get the floor framed and the steel supports installed, so we can lower the house back onto its brand new foundation later this month!