Recently I accompanied our designer down to the stone fabricator to sign off on the final layouts for our kitchen countertops. Our fabricator, New View Marble and Granite in Franklin, MA, had been up earlier in the week to prepare templates for the island, countertops, backsplash, and pantry counters. We went to review how the different pieces of stone will be cut so that the veining lines up and to get the most attractive presentation. It was also pretty interesting to watch the stonecutters in the shop working on countertops for other projects, and to see the tolerances they can achieve on the stonework. We should be ready to install the countertops soon and then proceed with the rest of the kitchen.
The second kitchen island won’t get a stone top, though. We asked our cabinet maker to fashion an attractive wood countertop out of beautiful old timbers salvaged from the original house. It’ll be a constant reminder that the heart of the home dates to the 1890s.