As soon as the insulation contractor finished with the interior acoustic insulation (actually, even before), our drywall and plaster contractors were on the site to keep things moving. Being ever mindful of our goal of a low-VOC house, our contractor used a National Gypsum residential gypsum board that is GreenGuard Gold certified. Following close behind was our plaster contractor, also using a GGG-certified plaster from USG. It has sometimes been a challenge to identify suitable materials that are functional and cost-effective while still meeting the rigorous requirements of the EPA Indoor airPlus certification program, but our subcontractors and design team have met the challenge and we’ve been able to find insulation, adhesives, wall materials, and other components that will make a durable home while still minimizing VOCs, formaldehyde, and other indoor air pollutants. And we’ve got low-VOC cabinets, trim, doors, floor materials, and interior paints and stains in the queue for the next stage of interior finish.